I was very inspired by the photo Anthonette submitted to the Traveler's Inspiration Challenge on Tina's blog. We went on vacation to Colorado two years ago to go snow boarding, and we passed through New Mexico. We went through a town called Pojoque and saw this rock that was shaped like a camel. It is a tourist attraction and is actually called "Camel Rock". So when I saw the picture of the pueblo's, it just reminded me of how beautiful New Mexico is, and this neat rock, and the sky's really are that beautiful! We went to Angel Fire, New Mexico this year for our vacation and it is the town right next to Taos were the pueblo's in the picture were. I decided to do a 8 1/2 X 11 scrapbook page for the challenge, to help with the vacation album I have been wanting to make. I decided to use some paper that I have never used, (like Kristina had suggested, to use stuff we have had for awhile), and the papers just looked like fabric that you might find in New Mexico. I did a lot of stitching,(which I love) and it kind of went with the fabric theme. I used my Cricut for the Title and added some lines and dots. I used my own hand writing (which I don't like), but I try to use it more in pages for my kids, because they will have these albums one day! Added some buttons and I think that's it! I am still trying to take pictures of layouts, it seems to be hard for me. I guess I just need to keep working at it! So here it is!
Here is Anthonette's picture.

Here is a picture of "Camel Rock".

Here is my page.

Here is a close up of the stitched papers.

Paper- My Mind's Eye, cream cs, scraps for my stash
Accessories- Cricut for title, buttons- Paper Studio, white crocheting thread, white thread from sewing machine, brown marker
Have a Blessed night!
this is great!! That rock is super cool!! Love your layout!
This looks great! Love all your paper strips! Hope you get some answers from your sleep study!!
ooh! I am totally loving your LO! love what you did with the colors, the buttons are a nice touch!
Clouds :D
Wow! That really does look like a camel. I've never heard of that place before. I really like your page. I like the stitching! You have been doing some cool stuff with your sewing machine! I'm glad the sleep test went well!!
That is the coolest rock!!! GOd is sooo clever, He never is boring with His amazing designs!!
Your page is fabulous, I love those buttons (suprise suprise!!) great memory Winter!!
Your stitching looks great! What a great idea for the challenge.
Great photo, great page. I love how you stitched right on the photo :0) And amazing how similar the two photos are!
I've always wanted to stitch into my scrapbooks but never had really seen it done well. I love yours!!!
I love the stitching, so cute!
Fabulous page!! So cool that your picture is so similar to the inspiration photo! And cool that you *remembered* and could find it! lol! Love it!
Gorgeous page, Winter! Those papers are very "New Mexico" and this is a perfect project for Anthonette's photo. Kudos!
Such a beautiful scrapbook page! Love the stitched strips of PP.
This is SO awesome!! I love your page- and the photo is so perfect for this challenge! I love the stitching too!
Hugs from Morocco!
awesome scrapbook page!
Beautiful page!
So beautiful! I love those stitched papers! And how cool is it that you had such a similar photo?! :)
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