Hey everybody! Well I was not able to craft all day on World Card Making Day! Chace's friends grandmother passed away and Chance did the service for the family on Saturday morning and then Chace had a football game that afternoon (they won, he made 2 touchdowns :) ), then we camped out at our soon to be "home site"! :) We camped in a tent and the weather was perfect! We got to visit with some of our "soon to be new neighbors" that night and just enjoyed alot of family time! We woke up and had hot chocolate, eggs, and smores! What a great breakfast! :) It was just a Blessed weekend!
I did however get to craft late Friday night into early Saturday morning, so I guess these cards were technically made on WCMD! :) I just didn't get to post them until now.
I really love this stamp set from Lawn Fawn called
Cozy Christmas. It is so much fun and I love masking with it! :) I took the little fire man off of his log. I didn't want my stocking to get too hot! :)

Here is a close-up of the glossy accents I added to the glass of milk. LOVE this stuff! :)

I really like this card, and of course I had to add glossy accents to the fire. :)

Santa likes chocolate milk too! :)

This is a plain one, but I think the stockings speak for themselves! :)

Some of my friends on Facebook might already know this, but I was asking for prayer yesterday. I mentioned last week that I had some dental work done. Well when they took off my old crown, they replaced it with a medicated filling that tasted TERRIBLE! Well my throat started felling weird and maybe a little swollen. I called the dentist that afternoon and they said, they hadn't ever had any problems before. The dentist said he has used it before on my teeth, but I told him that he usually covers it with a temporary crown. This was just a filling with nothing covering it.
So anyway, I went to the first specialist and he only gave me a 50/50 chance on being able to save the tooth! (Not good odds!) So I went to my dentist the next day and told him to take that medicated filling out and replace it with a regular one. So he did and he wanted to send my to get a second opinion from another specialist. So I went the next day and that guy was AMAZING! He took one x-ray and said, "I can fix it! Do you want to go ahead and do it?" I was like, NOW? So I had ANOTHER root canal on that tooth. (Who gets 2 root canals on the same tooth you ask?....Winter!) :) Thank goodness Chance was there, because I was SO numb that my eye was weird! My eye didn't really close when I blinked it! :) So I wouldn't have been able to drive! It stayed numb from 11 am until 6:30 pm that evening! So the tooth is now done! (other than getting the new crown on) Praise God! Just a little soreness in my jaw.
But yesterday I finally had to call my Dr. about my throat. I think it was getting worse. She seems to think it was a allergic reaction to that filling! I am allergic to Benedryl (I know it's weird!), so she had to give me a steroid shot. So please pray that this helps. I woke up this morning and I think it feels a little less tight. Praise God! I am just taking it one day at a time. I am just trusting in the Lord for Him to heal it! I have never dealt with anything like this before, but I do know that if my throat feels like this again, I will go to the Dr. sooner! This has been some scary stuff and VERY aggravating!
If you read all of this post, God Bless you! I know it was long! I just like to give all the info! :)
Thanks for listening!
Hope ya'll have a very Blessed day!