ETA: I am sick at home and feeling bad! I went to the Dr. yesterday and she said I have 2 ear infections and a cold. No Strep or Flu, Thank the Lord! She put me on 24 days of antibiotics!! 10 days are for the cold now and 14 days are a low dose to see if I am carrying bacteria in my tonsils. She is thinking that could be the throat issue for the last 5 months. If this doesn't work, then she suggests take the tonsils out like the throat specialist thinks. And if the uvula doesn't go down after the surgery, then it might need to be trimmed, since sometimes they don't go back to normal after they have been enlarged! I started feeling worse last night. I started getting a bad cough and I'm hoarse! The Dr. just wanted me to take Allegra since I am taking so many antibiotics, but I need something for this cough. I have a call into them, but they still haven't called back with what to take! So I am really needing some more prayers right now! Thanks so much!
Have a Blessed day!
awe so sorry to hear you still aren't feeling good. You are in my prayers for sure.
Praying for wisdom for the doctors and healing for you. Hope you are doing better soon.
Oh Winter I will be praying for you! These health problems are not good at all! And 24 days of antibiotics is very long! I am believing you are healed and will not need surgery!
Beautiful card Winter--love that flower (it's on my wish list).
Praying you feel better soon. Not sure if you're into naturopathic medicine/healing, but just a tip--be sure to take some form of pro-biotic (acidophillus--sp?) if you're going to be on anti-biotics that long; it assures you will maintain the healthy bacteria in your system so the antibiotics don't kill them all off too. Also, you may want to try an immune enhancer (Astragalus)--you can pick it up in drop form at a health food store. It's all natural, so it wouldn't hurt to try! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Winter- Love the card! The flowers are AMAZING, love the color! And that thank you sentiment is one of my all time favs. Please know that I have you in my daily prayers, and am keeping a good thought for you in my heart! I truly hope that you get to feeling better and back to yourself really quickly. It is so hard to be sick when you're a mom!
Good thing you have a great family to take good care of you!
Winter, I am praying for you! By the stripes of Jesus you are healed!
I'm so sorry to hear about your sickness. I Just hope you are better now.
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