Some other traditions that we do, is go to Church for our candle lite service, but this year we had it on Wednesday night instead. That is my favorite service of the year! Then for Christmas Eve we read 'The Night Before Christmas' & 'The Christmas Story of Jesus' at my MIL, before we open presents. Here they are taking turns reading 'The Night Before Christmas', and then Chace read all of 'The Christmas Story'.

We had Christmas at our house this year, Chance's Mom, step dad, and brother came over for dinner. We had a 'real Texas Dinner'!

Here are some pictures of the table and my last minute place cards. Chance's favorite Christmas movie is 'The Christmas Story' with Ralphy, I bought these name tags last year on clearance at WalMart. I found them last night in my stash and decided to make some place cards. Very simple, but I like them. I also made the napkins and napkin ties for Thanksgiving, I figured why not use them again.

He even has a shirt with this picture on it, but for some reason, we couldn't find it anywhere in the closet! ?

The kids got lots of gifts, they have been playing all day! I love staying home on Christmas, that way they can play with their new toys, or get in PJ's if they want to! :)
Chance and I usually don't get each other alot of presents. But this year I got him a couple and he got me quite a few. He got me a houndstooth snuggie :), a new machine that you run your pictures through it and it reads it onto a SD card (it's great for all the old photos before there was digital), a new cord for my laptop (the old one is all messed up), and more memory for my laptop too (because my computer is pretty slow)! He was wanting to get me the Photo Shop CS4 but he was unsure if that was the right program. But, I think he got me plenty already, he is too good to me! :) We got Autumn her first 'real' make up kit. I'm not to fond of her wearing makeup, but I know she is growing up, so I figured it's better to start teaching her how to wear it before she goes out of the house with it on!

Merry Christmas from 'The Sims Family'! 

EDITED: Only a couple of hours left to play in the EBTKS Sketch Challenge!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Have a very Blessed Christmas!
Have a very Blessed Christmas!
Merry Christmas it looks like you had an awesome day!
Merry Christmas. Looks like you had a very blessed celebration! You have such a beautiful family. What a blessing Christ's birth and salvation is for us who follow him. We are so fortunate to live in a country where we can freely celebrate him! Blessings to you and your family.
So glad that you guys enjoyed your Christmas! You are all beautiful!! I enjoyed reading about your Christmas! Love ya!
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