Here are some cards I made over the weekend. I bought this Basic Gray paper a couple of month's ago. I have been waiting to use it for something, so I decided to use it for these cards. OK this probably one of my most favorite cards I've made. I LOVE it! It is for my sons teacher at school, she has a birthday on Sunday. My brother has a birthday next Monday so I made him a more manly card. I also made an extra birthday card ( I don't know who it's for yet and I'm not sure if I like this card, it's a little busy for me). My daughter said she really liked it, so it might be used for one of her friends. I used the design from
Kristina Werner's card she made on her Finally Friday Card. My old preacher (before my husband was called to the ministry) and he is also my kids Assistant Principal at school, collects old milk bottles, and I found one at an Estate Sale. So made him a card to go with the bottle so my kids could bring it to school today. I found the cow stamp from Michael's last week in the $ bin. Well, here are the cards.
This is the card I LOVE!

This one is for my brother.

This is the one I'm not to sure I like.

This is the one I made to go with the old milk bottle.

Ok gotta go bring my daughter to softball practice and after that my son has a baseball game. It will be a late night! Have a Blessed night!
Wow you have been busy! I love them all! The cow is so cute! Don't you love the $1 bin at Michaels?!
The cow card id super cute!!
These are so beautiful! The cow card is adorable!! I like how you used those Basic Grey papers!
Hi Again, I wanted to leave you a message that I have left you something at my blog. Please stop by when you have a chance :)
Winter, Love the cards. It is really strange having no challenges to post, so I am visiting blogs this AM. There is a raccoon asleep on my deck. I got two pictures, but since I have nowhere to run, I am not sure how I am going to get him off. They are really wild, and get mean when apprached, so I can not even let my cats out! Oh well, another story to add to my collection. It is going to be a strange day! By the way, where is there an aligator farm in Texas?
Winter, You found me! This morning Donna e-mailed me to tell me my URL was not coming up, so I went into it and changed my porfile again. Hopefully it comes up this time.
Yes the raccoon left.I have the upper deck, and underneath that part is enclosed for my cats. The boards are giant size and have a little space. I used the broom to rub against the boards above, from underneath and told him he would have to leave. It was not even very cold so I do not know why he was there. I have lost at least two cats to raccoons that I know of and 3 more cats vanished. The animals here are very wild. The big raccoon that used to fight with the cats through the door was as big as a medium large dog. Have not seen him in awhile. Thanks for sharing!
These cards are so gorgeous! That first one blows me away. That paper is so gorgeous! I really like the way you used squares of patterned paper too! I might have to try that! :)
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