My kids played there first basketball game of the season today! Chace had one game and Autumn had 2, so we stayed at the gym for about 4 hrs today. They did SO good and their teams won every game, I was very proud of them! :)
I did want to mention that I got the first set of cards in today, (the picture above)! Woo Hoo! I received 29! :) That's a great start! I really feel like we are going to make the goal, and it never would have been possible if it wasn't for all of you, who took the time out to make cards and send them to me! Thank you all so much for the help! I really want the kids to get the cards on Valentine's Day, so I don't think I will be able to pass them out personally to the kids. I will be in Memphis the day before and bringing the cards, so we will have to see! As long as I know they are getting them, that's all I care about! I really believe it is all about God, and Him allowing us to spread His love to those children, through cards, from all over the world! What an awesome opportunity! As some of the 'donators' for prizes want to stay anonymous, in a way, I want to stay anonymous to to the kids and parents too! If that makes since to anyone?! :)
I will be adding some more prizes soon! So check back for that and I will be posting some challenge cards soon too! :)
I wanted to share a picture of our dog 'Tucker' in his sweater! We have had like record breaking temperatures the last couple of days, so we have had to bring our outside dog in. We had to bathe him and put his sweater on. :) We put him outside most of the day, because it gets warmer and the sun is shining, but we don't keep his sweater on outside. I know that's what it is for, but he will rip it off and tear it up! So in the evening, we bring him in and put him in the kennel. Tonight I told him, "Come on lets put your sweater on". I opened his kennel and he came toward the door with his head out, like he knew, and I slipped it on his head. Then he lifted his paw, like so I could slip it through the arm hole! It was SO cute! We laugh at him every time we look at him! I think it is a little to small, but it was the biggest size I could find! And the colors match our school colors and the Longhorns! Yes, we got beat the other night. :( but they sure played a great game! :) Anyway, I had to get a picture of him in his sweater, and he just turned to the side, like to get a 'good shot'! :) Anyway, it's 1:00 am and I have church tomorrow, so I better get to bed! 

Have a Blessed night!
That's a CUTE sweater! I am going to send you my cards really soon!
Love the sweater. Maddie does the same thing when I put her sweater on! So glad you are starting to get cards! And so many for the first one! Amazing!
Hi Winter! I'm sorry I have not made many comments lately. I really need to get back in the swing of things. I feel I have a lot of catching up to do with everything. Thank you for always taking the time to leave me such sweet comments on my blog! I think it is so touching and wonderful what you're doing for the children at St. Jude. I would love to make some cards and send to you. I will have to see if I can get myself back into it some.
Your dog with the sweater makes me laugh! I remember when me and my siblings were younger we had shistzu (spelling ?) dogs and we were always bathing and coming their fur. I remember having sweaters and trying to put them on them, it was hilarious! I don't think they cared too much for it. But it was funny to see on them! Your cards for the color challenge are cute!
Tucker is so cute! I have a cat named Tucker! Tucker and Toby! I recognize that card on top so I know where they came from if it is all from the same person! She is on the ball!
BTW... I am catching up... I forgot to mention.. so glad that you guys liked the church you went to on Sunday! That has to be a relief! :)
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