Hey everyone! Well I still haven't been out of the house since I've been sick! I have to go to the Dr. tomorrow and try to get Chace in to the Dr. too! He is still running fever and is complaining about his throat hurting! I think it might be Strep, but I sure hope not! His fever was not going down with the medicine today, so he had to take a good 'ol luke warm bath, to get it down, because he was feeling pretty bad! But, praise God, it came down after a little while and it went back to normal! So I guess I will be at the Dr.'s office all morning tomorrow! I just want to get over this stuff, I feel like I have lost a week! Chace and I didn't even get to go to church yesterday, so my week will be off, not knowing what day it is! :)
Well I didn't get to craft today, but I am doing some changes to the blog! The picture on the blog title is from our vacation to New Mexico the year. That is Autumn snowboarding! Isn't that view beautiful! I couldn't enjoy it that much, I was hollering at my son to snowboard away from the edge! There is no rails, it was SCARY!!!! So please hang in there with me, I'm still learning! :) Well I hope to get some crafting done tomorrow after Dr. visits, I guess I can bring my sketch book, while I wait! :) Please keep our family in your prayers, for a quick recovery! Thanks so much for all the well wishes already! :)
Have a Blessed night!
LOVE the new look! It's fun to play around and switch things up...prayers and warm wishes are being sent your way from B.C. :) Gorgeous picture!!
Great new look Winter! Feel better and I will say a prayer for your family for a fast recovery in Jesus Name!! :)
Sleep good!
I am sorry that you guys are sick and will definitely keep you in my prayers! I am sorry I didn't mention that before. I think I read in your blog yesterday or so that you guys weren't feeling well! Sorry again for being a bad blog friend! I am still in a daze since the trip. I haven't gotten enough sleep yet... totally my own fault!
Love your blog header! That picture is gorgeous and a perfect fit for your blog name!
That's a beautiful photo!
I hope you are feeling better soon. Both my kids got colds a bit ago and it just hung on for awhile. Sometimes when we're sick and have to slow down is when God refreshes us with much needed rest and quiet. =)
Praying for you! That sure doesn't sound fun.
Cute header too!
Glad you didn't have to take your son to the hospital. Strep throat sounds bad. Hope you are all doing better.
Love the new blog header!
Oh how scary, glad things are getting better!
Love the new look. The header is lovely!!!
I hope everyone is feeling better! I love the new blog look!
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