Hey everybody! I'm still busy counting and packaging cards! :) If you haven't sent your cards by now, they probably won't get here in time for me to have them in my hands by Jan. 31. The post office tends to delay their shipping a lot! It will probably be safer for you to keep them for next year or if I receive them late, I'll just keep them for next year's Card Drive.
The world today can sometimes seem mean and full of hate. But when I checked the mail today....I had hope! Hope in this world! What I saw was loving people wanting to help, me, a complete stranger, collect cards for children that are also strangers to you! Just to bring a little happiness to kids who need a little more love and happiness on Valentine's Day! Thank you for believing in this ministry and believing in me! I can never Thank ya'll enough! <3 nbsp="" p="">
Here is the packages I received today!
I have already received TONS of cards, so there is going to be some smiling kids on Valentine's Day! :) Thanks so much to all of those that have already sent in cards! I am Impressed with the cards! There are some Adorable cards and so well made and inspire me so much! :)
Here are pics of some of the cards.
I have received SO many cards with Wink of Stella shimmer pen on them! I have tried to correct some that could be fixed, some couldn't be and will have to be donated to another Card Drive that allows it. The hospital asks that there is NO glitter on these cards! I understand that it is a "shimmer pen", but to the hospital staff, they just see glitter and something that could harm the already sick children! So I have edited my blog post with the rules and added the actual name "Wink of Stella" to the Do not use list! I had NO idea that that pen was so popular right now! :) I think every card makers owns one (I actually don't!) :) , so whoever makes it...they should be millionaires by now! LOL! :)
I have spent more time trying to figure out how I can salvage these cards and still be able to send them safely and not be disrespectful to the hospital for sending them. So I'm not sending them, if I don't feel 100% about them being safe and acceptable to the hospital staff! I hope you all understand. I and many of you have worked too hard for 8 years, for a hospital to say they can't accept cards anymore, because we didn't follow the rules, rules that we said we would go by!
So we will obey their rules, because we want the kids safe!
And here are a couple of mine.
Well it's 2 am here, it seems to be my normal bedtime for the last few weeks and then up early in the mornings. It takes a lot of hours to get all the work done with the cards every night, I must say, I'm ready to get 8 hours of sleep after the Card Drive is over! :) But honestly, this Card Drive is VERY dear to my heart and I will continue to have sleepless January's for as long as the Lord allows me to do this! :) Thank you all for the support!~Winter