Hey everybody! Well the cards have been packaged and shipped off to the hospitals and foster homes! This has been the busiest one yet!!! As I stated in my earlier post, I have lost LOTS of sleep on the drive this year! There were alot of hours put into it! I'm Extremely Thankful for my daughter and for all of her help with sealing up the cards! After helping for the past 7 years...she's getting fast at it! :) And Thank you to my husband for taking up my slack, while I've been busy! :)
I want to Thank everyone for all the cards that were sent in, for the money you spent on shipping them to me, I want to thank everyone who sent money for shipping (you did not have to do that!), but I appreciate it so much! And a BIG thank you to Kari for donating all of the clear envelopes! How thoughtful is that?! I also want to Thank all of the Sponsors for donating the prizes! I really couldn't do this without all of you! Thank you for making the 7th year another success! :)
And what ya'll have all been waiting for...the Totals! 4,707 cards!!!! Isn't that Amazing?!!! I'm just Amazed at all of your generosity! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Here is a list of Hospitals & Foster homes I sent them to. We lost one hospital this year, but when I received so many cards, I sent out about 15 emails to new hospitals and I heard back from 4 and they all accepted cards. I am going to have to find more places to send them for next year, we are getting more cards and not enough places to send them! I don't want to send them more than they need. Thank goodness for Tx. Children's Hospital, they accept all that we have left over! So I will be trying to find more hospitals throughout the year!
*St. Jude Children's Hospital
*TX Children's Hospital
*Nationwide Children's Hospital
*St. Joseph's Children's Hospital of Tampa
*St. Louis Children's Hospital Foundation
*UF Health Shands Children's Hospital
*Cook Children's Medical Center
*Shriners Hospital for Children
*-Northern California
*-Salt Lake City
*-St. Louis
*Akron Children's Hospital
*Seattle Children's Hospital
*Sinclair Children's Center (foster home)
*Pendleton Place (foster home)
That's 17 Hospitals and 2 Foster Homes! This makes me happy, because I know that more kids are receiving a little more love this Valentine's Day! :) There were several times that I got emotional when I checked the mail and saw all of the packages! It was a very humbling feeling to know that all of you, believed in this ministry! <3 nbsp="" p="" thank="" you="">
Here are some more picks of all the shipments. I forgot to take a pic of the 2nd shipment. Oops! :/
3rd Shipment:
4th Shipment:
5th Shipment: This box was HUGE!!!! It weighed 51 lbs! I had to get my husband to go with me to carry it! :/
I still need to draw names for the prizes, please bare with me! My baby girl is having her Basketball Senior night tomorrow night at her last ever Basketball game :'( , so I've been getting the Seniors gifts made and my daughter's memory display table ready. I haven't had time to work on any of it, because of being so busy with the Card Drive, so now I'm doing everything last minute! :/ But I have my blog post already ready, so all I have to do is draw the names and then send out the emails, so it shouldn't take long. Well I'm off to work on more of the Senior night projects. I'll be back soon for the prize winner post!
And Thank you all for making this year another success! :)
God Bless you all! ,