Chance still has some other tests to take, just for precautions. He has a very large family history of colon cancer, his dad had it at 35, so the Dr. said he should be tested 10 yrs. before the age his dad had it. I guess he's a little behind, but at least he is going to do it! If you don't mind, please keep that in your prayers.
I haven't been crafty in a couple of days! I still have been de-cluttering my house! I guess I'm doing Spring cleaning in the Fall! :) I got rid of alot of my old craft supplies, clothes, household items, and much more, it felt GOOD to let go of clutter! :) I hope I can do a little crafting before bed, so maybe I will share a card tomorrow!
Speaking of tomorrow, it is supposed to snow here! I only remember it snowing one time since I have lived here, and I have lived here for about 22 yrs! It snowed last yr. on Dec. 11 and it was amazing to walk outside and see snow! We didn't have to drive 17 hrs. to see it in Colorado! :) So I will have the kids snow gear ready for them after school tomorrow, so we can play in it! Then my Momma is coming to stay the night and we are going to put up our Christmas tree! We can't wait! Well, I'm off to craft a little before bed! Don't forget about the EBTKS challenge! :)
Have a Blessed night!
Glad to hear that!
Praise the Lord! And about the!!! You'll have to post pics if it really does! Ha!
I can't imagine Christmas without any snow!...although it may happen this year! We've only had a few flakes here in Kamloops, BC, Canada but nothing that will stick to the ground. I'm looking forward the this weekend. We are suppose to get 2 inches of beautiful white freshness.
Glad to hear about Chance and hope the results of his next test are good news.
great news!!!!
Decluttering...that's what I 'need' to do...
Girl I know way more than I want to about migraines. My Chase finally stopped eating a lot of foods so keep from triggering them!
I'm so glad that the results were good!
OK... one more ... Praise God!! :)
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