Hello everybody and Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
It is with a heavy heart that I let you all know that I will not be
collecting cards this year for the Card Drive!
With Love,
~Winter Sims
collecting cards this year for the Card Drive!
This was a Very hard decision, that took A LOT of time and prayers.
As I'm sure many of you remember, we lost our home last year to a fire and we have been picking up the pieces ever since. We have rebuilt almost the exact same house and we are on the last stages of getting it finished.
We had hoped to be finished a few months ago, but rain delays and worker delays, set us back a little father. We are doing a lot of the work ourselves, so we are working night and day and trying to run an A/C & Heating business
in Texas at the same time! Not to mention having our daughter in college and our son is in his Senior year of High School. Our daughter just graduated with an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts and she was just accepted into Nursing school
and she will start in January, so we have been getting her place fixed up to move closer to school.
So you see my struggle with so many responsibilities and adding a VERY time consuming Card Drive to it, will almost be impossible to do! First and foremost, I am a Wife and Mother, so I have to take care of all them and those responsibilities first.
It breaks my heart, to not be able to do everything, but I have to be honest with myself and realize I can't do it all! 

I know many of you will offer to help out and I appreciate that so much, but with the strict rules of the hospitals, I feel like it would still be stressful to try and keep everything organized.
I received some cards after the deadline of the last Card Drive and I will make some as well, so I will send those cards to at least one hospital for Valentine's Day.
I hope you all understand and will come back next year and join me for the 2020 Card Drive. I want to Thank you all for the continued support through the years and for all the prayers you have said for our family this year, we appreciate them SO much!
I also hope that ya'll will send a Valentine card to someone in need, or a nursing home, or a local hospital if they will allow you to. I still want the love to spread to those in need. 

I hope you all have an Amazing New Year and God Bless you all!
With Love,