Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Valentine's Day Card Drive!

Hey everybody! Happy New Year!

Well it's my Blog's 3 year anniversary this month, so you know what that means...a Valentine's Day Card Drive! Woo Hoo! I will be collecting cards for St. Jude's, Vanderbilt, and TX Children's Hospital's again this year and anymore children's hospital's I can find. :)

Edited-Another hospital to sponsor!

The last 2 years was a Huge success, so I'm hoping this year will be even better! :)

Here is my first card for the Card Drive.

Here are some of the guidelines from the hospital's and a few of mine. (Please read carefully.)
* Cards need to be a Valentine theme.
* Cards can't have anything about 'Get Well Soon', 'Feel Better', or anything reminding them of being sick. (Only Valentine Cards)
* Please make cards that can be used for any gender or age. (This could be a little tricky, but I think you can handle it!) :)
* No buttons or anything that can be pulled off and become a choking hazard.
* Cards must be able to fit into a 4 1/2 X 5 3/4 envelope (A2 size). (I will provide clear envelopes for each card, so there is no need to send one with your card.)
* You can include a message in the inside, but please remember, nothing reminding them of being sick. (Maybe just a Valentine sentiment.) You can also sign your first name and what state you are from.
*I will be excepting cards for the whole month of January. ( Jan. 1 - Jan. 31, Please don't send any out after that, because I have to send them off so they will get to TN. in time for Valentines Day.) At the end of the month, I will pick random winners for prizes. I will be adding more prizes and sponsors, often. The more cards you send, the more times your name goes into the drawing to win prizes. Let your kids get involved too! :)
* Please send a piece of paper with your name, address, email address, and the amount of cards you sent. (It will help when I have the drawings.) A lot of the prizes will be sent from the sponsor, so I NEED to have your email address for sure!
* Go here for the sponsors and prizes. 
*Please send cards to me at:

Winter Sims
Cards For St. Jude
P.O. Box 754
Warren, TX 77664

* If anyone wants to donate a prize for the drawings, please email me with the details at .
*You are welcome to use the hospital logo's on your blog to spread the word, just remember to save it to your computer first.

I know it seems like there are A LOT of rules, but they are the hospital's rules and we want to obey them. So I hope you will join us again for another great year and help us put some smiles on those sweet kids faces on Valentines Day! :)

If you have any questions, please just send me and email at:

Have a Blessed New Year!,



Kelly said...

Hi Winter! Count me in again this year! Thanks for doing this!

Vera Yates (Ling) said...

I am in!! Will be sending you some cards & for sure I'll post about this on my blog sometime this week. Happy New year, Winter!!

Helen F. said...

Hi Winter, long time no see!
I was just wondering how you are doing and if you were collecting Valentines again this year.
Count me in on this great project!

Suzanne said...

Hi Winter! This is so awesome! I found out about this on the WPlus9 blog. If you are ever interested in adding Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to the list, I am happy to coordinate because I work there. They've gladly accepted card donations in the pediatric clinic before. Be on the lookout for some cards from me!

anya said...

Winter, this is a great idea. I found your blog through Dawn at Wplus9 - expect some cards from me! :)

Annette Allen said...

wow this is amazing...I am in and will be sending some cards soon.. I will post it on my blog this week...

Kim said...

I'm going to make it a point to get you some cards this year!! :)

Fierypixiedust said...

This is the most amazing thing. I am totally in!! I'll be tweeting about this and sending you some cards ASAP! -Michelle

Unknown said...

Sounds great, Winter! Will try to send some, too!

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Hi Winter,
Annette informed me with her blog message and I am creating some cards right now! Monday I will post them.
Good Look with all the arrangement!!

Love from The Netherlands,

Ziggyeor said...

I could almost just send them on to Vanderbilt myself but I'll send them to you. Funny they have to go from TN to TX back to TN!

Do they have to be traditional card shaped or any type of fold just as long as it fits in the envelope?

Carole said...

I'm so excited! I just bought some new Valentine's Day stamps and can't wait to play with them. I'll be able to make a bunch of cards with them and I'll send them your way!

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Hi Winter,
I've finished my cards for your Valentines day card drive and I've posted it on my blog. Monday my card will be sent to you.

Love from The Netherlands,

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I just found you through Leintje...and I can't wait to join in this great cause... and I will see if the hospital my daughter gets her surgeries done at can take cards too!!! Love this! I will be making some tomorrow and getting them off to you!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Tenia Nelson said...

I am soooooooo in!!! Love doing this!!!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing! Such a great cause! Sharing on fb.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I woke up early this morning and made 32 cards for this cause! :):):) I will send them to you this week! :):):):):):):):):):):) said...

What a super sweet gesture for a great cause. There's a children's Hospital here in Buffalo NY. Will share on Facebook..xoxo

Sandra said...

Love this cause! What a great gesture! I'm in! Made 13 cards so far, and maybe I make more tomorrow! They will be in the mail on tuesday!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful thing to do! I sent 30 cards to the hospital for Christmas. I will certainly make Valentine's cards and I can just as easily send them to you. I got the contact information from the hospital for the Christmas cards and sent them directly there.

I'll post this on my blog.

Brenda said...

I found you through Julie I will see what I can get done this week to send you some valentines....sooo sweet of you and what a blessing!

Kerys said...

Hi Winter! What a fantastic idea! I love it! Will try and get some mailed out to you ASAP. Thank you :-) x

Christine Kiehl said...

I am a newbie to this blog and to the project! Just the prompt I need to get crafting again! I will be sending cards your way! Thank you for taking the time and effort to do this for the patients.

MIGrandma said...

What a wonderful cause! It's a snowy, bleak day here in Northern MI. I'll going to work on a few cards as soon as I'm done checking my email. God bless you for your kindness to those in need, both givers and receivers.

Tammy said...

Just posted about the drive and my cards on my blog ( Will get them out in the mail later today!

Anonymous said...

Hi Winter, I heard about the valentines card drive from an email I got from scrapbook trends. I decided to check your blog and I just want to say I love what your doing, and would love to help by sending you cards.
Monica L.

kraftyiam said...

I've never participated in anything like this before...always a first time. St. Jude's Hospital is well worth it. Cards in the mail first thing Monday, 1/16/12. Thanks!

Anna K. said...

SO glad Kristina Werner shared a link to this post! :) My cards will be arriving shortly and I blogged about the card drive too so hopefully some other folks will be inspired to join in. A friend of mine who's a teacher may be making cards with her class too!

1busybee said...

I always support St. Jude's any way that I can....thank you so much for doing this. I'll be sending cards soon.

Judy1223 said...

HI Winter! I'm thrilled to say I'll be joining you in this cause for a third time...thanks for doing it again, you bring joy to so many! God bless!

Anonymous said...

Awww, Im so glad I saw this on FB. I want to take part as well. Childhood cancer hit my family several years ago and I know that any small gesture really brightens their day at the hospital.

MelissaS said...

This makes me smile! I have a stack ready and hope to get a few more made this week before dropping the package in the mail to you by Saturday! Thanks :)

Anita Rex said...

Hi Winter! I've posted about your card drive on my blog. I hope to send my cards in tomorrow or the next day so they make it in time!

Treasures Made by Heart ♥ said...

Hi Winter! I saw this on Kristina Werner's FB wall and I decided to participated. This will be my first time and I'm so excited to make some cards for those kids.

Julia said...

I love making Valentine's Day cards. Have made all the ones I need. So glad I saw Cricut Magazine telling me about you are helping St. Jude's. I will get started on some right away. Bless you for your support.

Lorie Manfre said...

Can we use the sentiment "Jesus Loves You" for the inside. I have 50 some cards I am sending off and wanted to make sure before I put that in.

Sammie - Stitches 'n Scraps said...

My girls and I made 10 to send your way! They had a blast! I also have a challenge ready to post on my blog Thursday night to try and help you out. This is such a great cause.

Tammy Ozuna said...

I have 20 cards coming from me and my friends in California. I'll pop them in the mail tomorrow, 1/23. Thanks for sponsoring the card drive - great effort!

Barb Turpin said...

25 going in the mail tomorrow...what a great cause! Thanks for organizing it!