Hey everyone! Well it has been a crazy couple of days! Our sweet Beagle dogs (Tucker & Kate) got out of their pen this past weekend and ran away! Kate got out on Saturday and Tucker got out on Sunday! They always come back, so this is so not like them to not come home! We have drove around our town, asked people if they have seen them, called the Sheriff's Dept. & Vet offices, and put up fliers everywhere, but nothing yet! We are so sad, that we have no idea where they are! It is so quiet outside, without them barking, (if you have every heard a Beagle bark, you know what I mean) :) ! My son has been praying, that someone will call us and know where they are! He prayed, when his cat ran away, and the next night, we opened the front door and heard him meowing and we called for him and he came running home! Then our dogs got out of the pen about a year ago, he started praying, and really about 30- 45 min. later the dog was outside! I don't know if you have noticed the picture of Autumn & Chace on my side bar, with them in their snow gear, well it has never snowed here, since I have leaved here. But, last January, we had a little bit of snow flurries on our way home from church, that night when the kids were going to bed, Chace prayed that there would be snow the next day, and boy was there! I made Chance get our snow gear out of the storage and we went and made a snowman! We live off the highway, so I know people were looking at us like, "They sure were prepared for the one day of snow in Texas, what did they go buy those clothes for this?" :) Anyway, I told Chace tonight, that God sure hears his prayers, so he was praying that they would come home! So sweet! :)
Well one some good news, my husband got him a new/ used truck! He bought a brand new truck in high school 15 yrs. ago, and we still have it. So it was time for him a new truck! And it is so pretty! I'll share a picture later!
On other news, has anyone been freaked out about the H1N1 flu? It has been crazy around here, with some people getting it and dying (well a couple of hours from where we live)! I am still a little concerned about those shots though! I don't think they have been out very long! So does anyone have any input on that? I'm worried to get the shot and to not get it! They are giving them free at the school on the 19th to the kids! I just want to stay inside away from everyone! :) I'll just keep praying about it!
I was going to post a card, but I haven't touched up my pictures yet, I will do that tomorrow! I have a couple more cards from the Everything But The Kitchen Sink Challenge that I made, and you still have a until Friday to make one to! I hope you can join us! :)
Sorry about all the rambling, I think it's time for bed! :)
Have a Blessed Night!
Well one some good news, my husband got him a new/ used truck! He bought a brand new truck in high school 15 yrs. ago, and we still have it. So it was time for him a new truck! And it is so pretty! I'll share a picture later!
On other news, has anyone been freaked out about the H1N1 flu? It has been crazy around here, with some people getting it and dying (well a couple of hours from where we live)! I am still a little concerned about those shots though! I don't think they have been out very long! So does anyone have any input on that? I'm worried to get the shot and to not get it! They are giving them free at the school on the 19th to the kids! I just want to stay inside away from everyone! :) I'll just keep praying about it!
I was going to post a card, but I haven't touched up my pictures yet, I will do that tomorrow! I have a couple more cards from the Everything But The Kitchen Sink Challenge that I made, and you still have a until Friday to make one to! I hope you can join us! :)
Sorry about all the rambling, I think it's time for bed! :)
Have a Blessed Night!
I am so sorry about your dogs! I hope they come home soon! I would be sad too! I will say a prayer as well!
I am scared about the H1N1 shots as well! I got Carver a regular flu shot but I just don't know yet about that one! I am scared to death too!! Either way just scares me! Let me know what you decide!
Winter, I am praying that your dogs will come home. That's always such a hard thing. I'm an animal person to the core. Lord, bring back their precious animals. Thank you, Lord!
Oh girl I'm sorry about your dogs. I was just telling my Chase last night how upset I would be if anything happened to Maddie! I hope they come home soon.
Pets are like family members... I really hope you find your dogs. Local newspaper and signs can help too... :)
I am so glad that Tucker's made it home (I'm behind on my blog reading), I'll be praying for Kate to come home too. My George (one of our dogs) got out once, and I couldn't find him. I was a wreck. Praise God, I found him before too long.
I would encourage you to get your kids the H1N1 vaccine, it is far safer than the flu. It's made the same way as other flu vaccines but just is tailored to this particular strain of flu. They do this every year with flu vaccines, they tailor them to the strains they expect to be most prevalent (which is why some people still get the flu because there are so many viruses out there). Okay, so I work in the pharmaceutical industry (although we do not do flu vaccines), and I am a geek. I hope that this helps some!
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