Friday, February 19, 2010

Nashville Stars

Hey everybody! Well I am back at home now and the Internet is great, so I hope to get back to posting better now! :) We left a day early from vacation, because our kids made all stars in basketball, and they have a weekend tournament that started yesterday. So we left Nashville at 5:00 am and drove all the way home with only 3 stops for gas, bathroom breaks, and food. We got back home at 4:30 pm and stayed home for 20 minutes, before we had to leave again for the games. So it was a long day yesterday. They did win their games, so it was worth it! :)
Well we did so much stuff on vacation and got to meet so many great people. So I wanted to tell you about all of the "Nashville Stars"! :)

Well we went on a tour of the Grand Ole' Opry. It was really neat to see it in person and all the backstage stuff! Chance and I grew up listening to country music, so we really enjoyed it! They let us go on stage and they asked if anyone wanted to sing on center stage and that you never know who was listening and some people have even been noticed because of singing on stage during a tour! I looked at Chance immediately, because I knew he would. And he had that look like, I'm nervous, but I want to do it! A 9 yr. old boy said he would, so I told him if he did it, so would Chance! I can't tell you how exciting it was to see Chance sing on the Grand Ole' Opry! I even had some tears, because I knew how much it meant to Chance! He did a great job and something we will remember forever! :)
I got to meet and spend some time with Kelley and Courtney. We went to church with them, ate lunch, and just got to hang out together. I can't tell you how excited and nervous I was to meet them! It is a great experience to meet blog friends! I wish we could have spent more time together and maybe even crafted or something! They are so sweet! :) I know it looks like I have a gold tooth in the picture, but I promise I don't! It was the lighting or something, so Kelley or Courtney, can you email me a picture of us, minus my "gold tooth"! :)
We also got to meet "Joanne Cash", Johnny Cash's sister! She sang at the resort we were at, and after the kids finished swimming in the pool, we got to meet her.
Have ya'll ever heard of Pat & Gina Nelley, from Down Home With The Neeley's from The Food Network? Well we got to meet Pat's brother Tony, when we went and ate bar-b-que at Neeley's. He was very nice and talk to us for awhile and the food was really good!
So that is some of the Nashville Stars we met! Sorry I don't have any cards to share today. I have been unpacking and cleaning up the house, and I hope to get to craft a little bit before more games tonight. I haven't made anything in about a week, so I really want to get some ink on my hands! :)

Have a Blessed day!


  1. Gold tooth!! Too funny! I would not have noticed it if you hadn't said anything! I have the one that I put on my blog... you can probably copy it from there but it is b&w... I can send you the color one if you want... just let me know! So great to meet you guys! I was so nervous too... the whole time you guys were here! Funny how that works! Guess that means that I really like you! :)

  2. So fun! I'm so glad you had a good trip and wow my hair looks bad! Ha ha!

  3. Love these pics! It sounds like you had an amazing vacation!
    Love your pic with Kelley and Court! You guys are all so cute! One day we will all get together!

  4. It looks like you had so much fun! What a fun trip! Your family is such a beautiful family! You are so blessed!

  5. Looks like a really fun family trip! Glad you had such a fabulous time.


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