Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Hey everybody! Happy Valentines Day! I know I told ya'll I would post some pictures of St. Jude's, but we got to our resort in Nashville today and the Internet is not the greatest! It is really SLOW!! My pictures aren't uploading, so I will have to try again tomorrow!
We got to worship with Kelley and Courtney and their families today at their church! How often do you see bloggers worship God together at church?! I thought it was really neat, and all of our husbands are/or were pastors! :) We also went afterward and ate lunch and then went back to Courtney's to eat dessert that Courtney made, (it was REALLY good)! I felt like I have known them for years, we had so much fun! They are SO sweet, and yes, we talked about stamping alot! :) I hope to get to see them again before we leave!
Well I hope to be back tomorrow with pics of St. Jude's and of my new (in real life friends)! :)
Check back in the morning for a new EBTKS challenge!

Have a Blessed night!



  1. Oh wow!!! What a blessing to meet some of your blog friends! I wish I could have been there!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you, sweet Winter! I'm so jealous that you got to hang out with Kelley and Courtney! Sounds like you all had a FABULOUS day!

  3. Welcome to Nashville! It's such a great city I have lived here for over 20 years and can't imagine living anywhere else. Enjoy your friends and the city, even with the snow.

  4. So great meeting you girl! Chase and I were bragging about how great your kids are too!

  5. So great to hear about you guys getting to meet! I have been saying on everyone else's blogs that I am jealous! I wish I could meet you all! :) Love the pic on Kelley's blog!


Thanks for your comments! :)