Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well I am about to leave for my sleep study test! They will be testing for Sleep Apnea. I really want a nap, but they said not to take one. I just hope I can sleep with all that junk on my face and head! :) Please pray I get some sleep, and not stay awake all night! :) I'll be back tomorrow with a scrapbook page I have been working on. Talk to ya'll tomorrow!


  1. Hi Winter, my husband was diagnosed with sleep apnea earlier this year. He snored very loud. A few times I thought he stopped breathing. Once he started wearing a CPAP machine at night, he sleeps much better. No more snoring! I wish you well.

  2. I am praying you get some answers from your study and that you were able to sleep. (I didn't see this before you went, so I didn't get to pray for your sleep beforehand.)

    I did a sleep study a few years ago, and I was able to sleep. It took forever for me to get the gunk out of my hair (that they used to attach all the monitoring stuff).

    I look forward to hearing how it went and to seeing your scrapbook page :)


Thanks for your comments! :)