Friday, January 22, 2016

Just checking in and a few cards

Hey everybody! Just checking in to let you know how things are going! I'm still collecting cards, slowly but surely. Thank you to all those who have already sent some in, they are so cute! :)
If you are still wanting to send in cards, there is still time! I need the cards by 
Jan. 30, so I have plenty of time to get them in the mail to the hospitals! There was an issue with some of the shipping last year, on a couple of packages, so I need to get them all out even sooner this year. So this would be a great project of this cold weekend and then get them in the mail to me next week! :)
I wanted to share a few of my cards I made. I love these images so much! They make me smile and I hope they do the same for the kids! :)

Alright, I need to get back to working on cards and my kids have basketball games tonight, so it's going to be another busy day! :)
Have a Blessed day everybody! 



  1. Super cute, Winter! That milk and cookie are adorable

  2. What adorable cards, Winter! All of cute! I was at the post office today and mailed in my small card collection...trying to get them out before the "Blizzard of 2016" hits us with two feet of snow! One nice thing with this blizzard is that all of my kids' activities have been cancelled! (Yes, I guess it takes a blizzard for that to happen!) Take care!

  3. Love all your fun cards Winter!

  4. Hi! Working on cards this weekend so I will get them in the mail to you this week!


Thanks for your comments! :)