Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 "Cards From the Heart Card Drive"

Card Drive is now Closed!!!

Happy New Year! :) It's time for the 7th Annual Valentine's Day Card Drive!

It's my Blogs 7 year anniversary this month, and I don't know a better way to celebrate it, but having another Card Drive for all those precious kids on Valentine's Day! I will be collecting cards for many Hospitals and hope to add more! :)
Last year's Card Drive was another HUGE success! We collected 3,971 cards and sent them to 12 hospitals, 2 orphanages, and to a little girl who was fighting cancer and to her two brothers. I'm happy to report that she is doing Great! :) I'm praying that this years card drive, is even better and reaches even more kids! :)

As always, here are some of the guidelines from the hospital's and a few of mine. 
(Please read carefully.)
* Cards need to be a Valentine theme.
* Cards can't have anything about 'Get Well Soon', 'Feel Better', or anything reminding them of being sick. (Only Valentine Cards)
* Please make cards that can be used for any gender or age. (This could be a little tricky, but I think you can handle it!) :)
* NO buttons, glitter, sequins, rhinestones, brads, or anything that can be pulled off and become a choking hazard.
* Cards MUST be able to fit into a 4 1/2 X 5 3/4 envelope (A2 size, but can be smaller, just not bigger). I CANNOT use them if they are bigger! (I will provide clear envelopes for each card, so there is no need to send an envelopes with your card.) The clear envelopes make it easier when they hand them out to the kids.
* You can include a message in the inside, but please remember, nothing reminding them of being sick. (Maybe just a Valentine sentiment.) You can also sign your first name and what state you are from ONLY, no last names and cities! No religious sentiments either, as most of the hospitals are non denominational in their beliefs. 
* And Do Not add your blog addresses to your cards! Some hospitals have rules against patients knowing who the donors are.
*I will be excepting cards for the whole month of January. (Jan. 1 - Jan. 30) Please do not send any after that, because I have to send them off early, so they will get to the hospitals in time for Valentine's Day. And please make sure you allow enough time for shipping as well. At the end of the month, I will draw names for prizes.The more cards you send, the more times your name goes into the drawing to win prizes. Let your kids get involved too! I will be adding more prizes and sponsors, often.  :)
* Please send a piece of paper with your name, address, email address, and the amount of cards you sent. (It will help when I have the drawings.) A lot of the prizes will be sent from the sponsor, so I NEED to have your email address for sure!
*And Please NO smoking around the cards! You may not realize that they smell like smoke, but they do and it could effect the children who are already sick!

*Please send cards to me at:

Winter Sims
"Cards From the Heart Card Drive"
P.O. Box 754
Warren, TX 77664

* If anyone wants to donate a prize for the drawings, please email me with the details at .
*You are welcome to use the Card Drive badge on your blog to spread the word, just remember to save it to your computer first.

*If you have a hospital in mind that might want some cards, please send me the contact info and I will email them.

I know it seems like there are A LOT of rules, but they are the hospital's rules and we want to obey them, to keep the kids safe. So I hope you will join us again for another great year and help us put some smiles on those sweet kids faces on Valentines Day! :)

If you have any questions, please just send me and email at:

Here is the Sponsor Page.
Have a Blessed New Year!,



  1. Happy New Year! I am planning to work on some cards today! Love being a part of your incredible card drive!

  2. Happy New Year Winter! Looking forward to bringing smiles to some well deserving children.

  3. YAY! Happy New Year, Winter! God bless you for continuing on with this wonderful card drive...I am definitely going to participate again this year!

  4. Thanks for all that you do on this Winter!

  5. My sweet friend, amy T. mentioned this fabulous drive on her blog today .. I'm obviously living under a rock! LOve this idea, and am amazed by your kindness!
    =] Michele

  6. Daughter and I spending this week working on our cards. We love this each year

  7. Thank you so much for coordinating this! I'm sure these cards are a blessing to kids in the hospital!!

  8. Such a great idea, my nephew has been with st. Jude for 2 years with cancer. He's finally in remission.

  9. Thank you for this opportunity to share our love of paper crafting.

  10. I just want to say I commend you and anyone else who contribute cards to you for the children. I'm waiting for my SU order right now! As soon as I get it I will send you as many cards as I can. Thank you for all you do to brighten the children's lives. Oh! By the way, can you use some more clear envelopes? I'd ordered them by mistake. Would love to give to you to use for the kids! Gloria

  11. What a wonderful cause, I'm creating cards right now to send to you! I applaud you in taking this on! I also will not provide the extra info for prizes etc, I certainly applaud all the sponsers and hope you get a lot more, but this is something that I do from the heart, I don't want anything in return. You are certainly a Gem Sweetie!!!!

  12. Started my cards today and shared your Card Drive announcement on my blog. Praying you have a lot of participants again this year. Happy New Year!

  13. I'm hearing about your card drive for the first time. What a wonderful labor of love. I'd love to participate, but would not be able to make the deadline for this year due to travel and other obligations. However, you can be sure I'll be part of this for 2017. I'll start making cards well in advance to get them to you for next year's card drive. Thank you for doing this and putting a smile on the faces of children.

  14. Winter, this is so wonderful! I am so happy you are doing this again...I'm working on my cards right now! God bless you!

  15. Hi Winter, I heard about this wonderful endeavor from Christy Gets Crafty. I'll definitely be sending you some cards. Glad I read all the rules b/c I tend to use sequins. Thank you in advance for all your efforts. JJordan


Thanks for your comments! :)