Thursday, January 12, 2012

Card Drive Update!

Hey everybody! Sorry I haven't posted, but I have been working hard on sponsors, making cards, and don't forget, it's tax time and we now own 2 businesses! So that means paper work and deadlines for the CPA! :)

But I have been working on something else, as well.....WE HAVE ANOTHER HOSPITAL TO SPONSOR! Yes, I shouted that! The St. Louis Children's Hospital! I'm excited to add another one this year! :) 

This Card Drive is a true passion of mine and I'm excited to see it grow! So Thank you to my friend Crystal for mentioning the hospital. :) And now all we need is cards! I have 25 cards from a couple of ladies that sent them in late last year, and I will use them this year and I have gotten 10 from another lady. So please send them in and lets collect even more this year. You have until Jan. 31, to send them.
I would also like to Thank all the Sponsors! Ya'll are all so generous! :) I have been adding to the sponsor list daily, check it out here.
Well I need to go work on more cards and get some pics of them today so I can share them soon.

Have a Blessed day! :)


  1. Winter,

    Just wondering how many Valentines you hope to receive to cover these hospitals. Just curious as I would have no idea of the magnitud

  2. Thanks Winter for stopping by my blog the other day. I will send you some cards for the children! Hugs!

  3. So good to hear that cards are pouring in! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I am working on some cards to send your way...

  5. Oh! So glad you are having the Valentine's Day card drive again this year. I will get busy and make a bunch of cards. I will also put your badge on my side bar. Thanks for organizing such this card drive, Winter!


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