Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everybody's day was filled with love and thanksgiving! We had a great day, we cooked at home (well Chance did alot of cooking) I did some, but mostly I cleaned up after him! :) We have eaten all day, I think I need to get some more turkey though!
Well, the Dr.'s office called on Tuesday with Chance's blood work, they said that everything looked great but his Triglycerides were too high and they wanted to put him on medicine. Of course he said no, he wanted to try dieting, so I guess we all have to change our eaten habits! Then the Dr.'s office called on Wednesday and said the MRI looked Ok, but he had a pretty big polyp or cyst in his sinus cavity, I mentioned to ya'll, that we saw that during testing. So he is being referred to a ENT (ear, nose, & throat) Dr. I hope we will hear from the Dr.'s office on Monday with the appointment date! But, PRAISE GOD, so far the news is pretty good! So thank you for all the prayers, please continue to pray for the ENT appointment!
I think going to the Dr. offices and hospital's with Chance, has made me catch a cold bug or something! We saw a friend and her daughter at the Dr.'s office the day Chance went in, and the little girl had the Swine Flu! Well, they left and then we got called back, seriously, I think we got their room! I carry a small can of Lysol and Germ-X in my purse, I was spraying Lysol in the room and telling Chance, don't touch the table, here's some germ-X! My whole family has been sneezing and sinus congestion, I guess it's just that time of year!
Some of you may know Kelley, she is going through some trials in her life right now, and she would really appreciate your prayers! She is such a sweet blog friend and has been praying for my family, so please let's lift her up in prayer!
Well I wanted to give you all a update and tell you all that I am Thankful that you stop by and visit me on my lil' blog! Ya'll really encourage me to keep crafting, Thank You! I hope you all had a Blessed day!


  1. So glad to hear that the test results are good so far. Lucky you not to have to do much cooking...he's a keeper! ;) hope you guys are feeling better soon.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Winter! I am so thankful for you! You have such a sweet heart! I'm so glad we are blog friends. (= I will continue to pray for Chase. I hear ya on the changing eating habits...I have to do that myself. Ha! I am praying God's health over your family!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Winter!! Sounds like you had a nice day! We had a great day with lots of family! My sisters and I went shopping fairly early on BF. Praise God for the good report on your husband!! We'll continue to lift him up in prayer concerning everything though, and you too!
    Thanks for your sweet comments. To answer your question... Yes, Christina and I are family. She is my sister-in-law, so she is my husband's sister! Yeah, I'm not sure how many people have caught on to that! :)
    She's my sweet sister-in-law that lives so so far away!

  4. Yes, Winter, this Swine Flu scares the beegeebees out of me. Have to use gallons of the antiseptic sprays and hand cleaners cause I work with the public and have become 'paranoid' about germs this season. Continued prayers go out for your husband and thank you for mentioning Kelley's prayer needs also.

  5. Hi Winter! I'm glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I pray that Chance's appt with the ENT goes well and that your family gets well soon!


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