Sunday, May 10, 2009

Update, & a little bit of everything

Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day! We had a great day at church and lunch at a local restaurant with our family, my mom, my mother-in-law and father-in-law, and some close friends. We went fishing this afternoon and had a good time! Well my daughter's leg seems to be looking better, we have to get her into see the Dr. tomorrow. So thank you to everyone who is praying for her and please continue to.

One another note- Some of you may know that my card last week was picked for Dawn's Color Challenge! I am so excited!! Dawn is such a talented card maker!! Thank You to everyone who left a comment on it!!
I told ya'll last week that we had a Teacher's Appreciation event at my kids school. Well some of the kids came to school at 7:00 am (school starts at 8:00 am) and held up signs as the teachers got to school. The signs said things like "We love our teacher's", My daughter made one that said "The 5th grade teacher's rock!". The teacher's were so thankful for that! Then all the kids had a Field Day, so it was a long, hot day, but we had a good day! Here are some pictures I wanted to share of the days events!
Here's Chace on Teacher's Appreciation Day.
Autumn & Chace at Field Day

Here is Chace racing his best friend, Chace had a late start, if he didn't it would have been close! They are the two fastest in their grade!

Here is Chace fishing on Mother's Day, he caught the first fish!

Here is Autumn holding her fish. They both caught two a piece, good, no fighting! :)

I hope to be back tomorrow with some projects I made for church.

Well it's late, I need to go to bed! Night!

1 comment:

  1. Your children are beautiful (and handsome for Chace!). I am praying for continued healing!


Thanks for your comments! :)